Alternative to Plinius 9200

I've never heard an amp that appealed to me more than this amp. Playing either analog (VPI/Clearaudio/pre) or digital (Bryston CD) through Tyler monitors, incredible on every level. With a nod to the slight edge that the Tyler monitor gives to leading transients, very neutral and dynamic sound.

But, I'm now hearing the beginning of another issue with the torroid in this amp. First time began buzzing a year or so ago. The fault was an errant torroid that Plinius ID'd in these early run amps and (nicely!) distributor provided replacement. But same buzzing of torroid now starting again. The buzz/noise does not come through the speakers, and as I listen in a fairly large room it is only an annoyance in principle (at least for now). Coupled with a noisy MC phono pre that was resolved with an outboard pre, another time for considering my options for the amp.

Will be coming down to another replacement torroid or deciding what type of electronics for the equivalent $'s provides a similar sound. I'm not one to follow trends or products, so thought to toss this out for the moment in advance of my decision to replace or not.

thanks for the help

Showing 1 response by jffyg

Rowland / Krell / Levinson / PS Audio Gain Cells
Good luck you are playing in deep water!