Alternative AU24 'e' IC

Have been using this IC's for quite a while and 'very' satisfied over the years. Needing another set of IC's but nowadays somewhat strapped for the cash . . . . for that matter have always been to some degree but more of late!

Using these between source (Bryston/Oppo) and amp (Plinius). Have been very neutral in this system and looking for the same. FYI, I've been switching the IC's between the Bryston and Oppo - one 'Red Book' the other multi-format capability including SACD. Time to pony up for something to rid myself of the need for physical switching of ICs. thanks

Showing 1 response by jafant


I have always wanted to demo the Plinius gear. I am familiar w/ the Bryston & Oppo and would add these IC(s) for consideration:
Audience AU24 SE
Signal Cable
Silent Source

First and foremost, I am a "cable/cord" guy.
Keep me posted & Happy Listening!