alternated method for storing compact discs

I am thinking of consolidating my cd space by getting rid of the cd jewel case and putting them in jewel sleeves.

I would like to know if anyone has done this, what the sleeves cost, if these sleeves will scratch the discs by taking them in and out and if it is easy to locate any particular cd for playing.

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I use a product called the "selector 100" by Discgear ( It holds the CD on the edges, nothing touches the playing surface nor the printed surface.

I really liked this implementation because even a soft sleeve could potentially collect hard dust particle that could potentially scratch your CD - with the discgear selector only the edges are touched. The product also uses a sliding index thing that you use to individually select a CD - then the top opens, grasping the chosen CD, again only touching the edge of the disc, so you can easily grasp it to remove.

Very nice simple system. the selector 100 holds 100 CDs, its made of steady hard plastic.

I first saw one at a local mall about 6 years ago - I now have 16 selector 100's and have not noticed any blemishes on my CDs.