Alphason HR-100s tonearm cue repair - help

Does anyone know how to repair the tonearm cue of an Alphason HR-100s? It looks like the damping fluid has leaked out of the bottom of the tube used for damping the cue device.

Also, did this tonearm ever come with a finger lift attached to the headshell? If not, has anyone successfully added one?

Showing 1 response by dickson

I bought mine used and it did not have a finger lift. The brochure pictures of the arm did not show a finger lift. I think the designer wanted to remove any resonances that may be created by having a finger lift.

I cannot help with the tonearm cue problem. Maybe you can add silicone damping fluid if you are able to open this up. Another possibility is to find another tonearm cue device with the same diameter as the old one. I remember a website in Japan that sold some cueing devices. I can check to see if I bookmarked this if you are interested.