Yes, that’s the thimble.
Alphason 100S tonearm tracking force adjustment
Anybody know how to zero balance an Alphason 100S and dial in a new tracking force? If I ever had an instruction manual for my Alphason it is now long gone and I can't seem to find one on the internet. The vinylengine website came up empty, sorry to say. What's worse, I haven't been able to find any sort of techie on my new island home to do the job for me. I live on the Big Island of Hawaii and don't want to have to put my turntable into the hands of a shipper.
In any event, my Lyra Delos' days are clearly numbered. For sure, I wouldn't be averse to trying a different cartridge model/brand, but until I know how to adjust tracking force I'll be stuck just getting a new Delos. ...Not that this so terrible, of course. I've got the Denneson Alignment tool armed & ready. And oh yeah, I'd need get a scale, too.