Alpha Core vs Solo inductors?

Does anyone have experience with these two coils?. I have seen the Alpha Core and they look realy good and I have seen the Solo and the look beat up. I was wondering how these coils compare sonically. Any opinions would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by mitchb

Thanks Gmood1 ,
I already have the coils but 4 out of 5 of them are Solo and one is Alpha Core. The Alpha Core looks mighty pretty and the Solo's look crappy but I'm getting the impression that they're both around the same sonic quality with some prefering the Solo. In fact I was almost offered the chance to switch to all Alpha Core but if the Solo's sound better then I'll just stick with the Solo's. What about all the parts I emailed you that are in my speakers? It won't be long now. About a week and I'll finally have the Hales back with the x-over upgrades.