Right now im using Mackie SRM-450 Powered Monitors. These are more musical than I expected. Tons of power, I could blow the block away, like a real concert. They also have several switches for contour, and some other things, i forget exactly. But till I get a decent amp or amps, I have been using these. I didn't really think the Adcoms were enough. the Alons are not a highly effecient speaker. They do need power to drive them. I was using the GFA555 that I bought new, and then i got another used, supposedly with no problems. But the guy swapped an output transistor, power transistor, with a wrong one, and it fried then amp. so, I got it fixed and sold it, then also sold mine. I figured they need something better. They were $3500.00 speakers, and my amp was about maybe $1000.00 on the high side. I figured it was a mismatch. My Preamp is Audio Research SP9, which i do like. So, the Alons are like brand new now, and sitting idle. I listened to them with a friends Van Alstine modded hafler Amp. Sounded nice, but similar to my Adcoms. Ray
Alon Speakers
Anyone familiar with ALON speakers? I have the ALON ModelIV speakers, bought new, and recently, replaced all drivers with aid of Carl Marshiotto, owner of Alon/Nola. I have no amp now to listen though. I had 2 Adcom GFA555 amps, but got rid of them, these deserve much better. I just cant afford any better, not sure when I will be able to. But I think they need VTL or Krell, something of that caliber. Ray