I have a pair of Alon Lotus Elites that I am driving with a Rogue Stereo 90 tube amp. Prior to this I had an Aragon 8008 and I actually brought the Rogue home to compare. Once I heard what was happening from the mids on up I sold the Aragon. Bass, well the Aragon was probably a tad more controlled if you will. The Rogue also has a nice feature... you can switch between Linear and Triode tube mode.
Alon Speakers
Anyone familiar with ALON speakers? I have the ALON ModelIV speakers, bought new, and recently, replaced all drivers with aid of Carl Marshiotto, owner of Alon/Nola. I have no amp now to listen though. I had 2 Adcom GFA555 amps, but got rid of them, these deserve much better. I just cant afford any better, not sure when I will be able to. But I think they need VTL or Krell, something of that caliber. Ray