Allocation of analog resources

I'm at the point where I'm beginning to seriously trading up from my current analog rig (VPI Classic 1, JMW Memorial tonearm, Lyra Delos).  My next move may well be into separate 'table and 'arm.  I know there are no rules (but how about a guideline or two?) regarding how to allocate an upgrade budget?  In other words, if I pick a turntable that costs X dollars, about what percentage of X should I be expecting to spend on a tonearm that complements it, and what percentage of X should I be thinking of as a cartridge budget?  Obviously, it will vary from package to package, especially since some products punch well above their price, but what would you set as a starting point guideline?  

Thanks, and happy listening,

Showing 1 response by solypsa

Similar to what has been stated, my take on it is:

Table- learn and discover what basic sound quality the three drive types offer and to which you gravitate towards ( belt, idler, DD ). then get the best ( and best built ) you can now you have a foundation piece.

Tonearm- ditto above but for the three main tonearm types ( unipivot, gimbal, linear ). I would add the additional use/ handling factors for uni and linear in terms of comfort of use. Now out this on hold a bit and go to cart...

Visit carts is same way and circle back to tonearm when it comes to creating a happy tonearm/cart pair.
While everything matters I agree that cart is the best place to skimp as you will be replacing it at some point :)

Lastly phono preamp. This is hard as really good phono pre’s are expensive...but there are value leaders in the under $5k zone already well discussed here. Now you have a ’sound’ from the table/arm/cart start to demo phono preamps...

Have fun!