Allocation of analog resources

I'm at the point where I'm beginning to seriously trading up from my current analog rig (VPI Classic 1, JMW Memorial tonearm, Lyra Delos).  My next move may well be into separate 'table and 'arm.  I know there are no rules (but how about a guideline or two?) regarding how to allocate an upgrade budget?  In other words, if I pick a turntable that costs X dollars, about what percentage of X should I be expecting to spend on a tonearm that complements it, and what percentage of X should I be thinking of as a cartridge budget?  Obviously, it will vary from package to package, especially since some products punch well above their price, but what would you set as a starting point guideline?  

Thanks, and happy listening,

Showing 2 responses by jperry

Balance is important to some degree. Your Lyra cartridge is a good match with your AR phono stage and if you get a new cartridge it should have output about the same as the Lyra.

A good tonearm is very important, and a tonearm costing as much as your turntable is fine. You will get more out of your cartridge with a better tonearm.

A used AMG Giro turntable might be a consideration for you. The AMG tonearm is an excellent tonearm
There is a used Dr. Feickert Woodpecker with a Kuzma Stogi 12" tonearm on another website for sale at $5,500. A lot of performance for the money

No relationship to seller. I just saw the ad.