Allnic Verito Z:Owners and those familiar

Am considering the purchase of this cartridge.My funds have been delayed and thus the purchase.
I have looked for reviews,but there are only comments.
Can anyone contrast/compare this against some known quantity.I'm hoping that the few members ,who own this will comment and relay their experiences.
Thanks in advance-Tom

Showing 2 responses by dlanselm


You seem to take my SONIC impressions of the Allnic personally. I answered your question posted.

I was commenting on its absolute performance relative to others. Something, to be honest, I think this cart needed because IMO its resolving capabilities have been overstated by sellers of it.

Perhaps a more constructive response, if you did not like my answer would have been to ask what I may suggest in your budget. Which unless I missed it was not stated.

I was not saying you have to buy a mega buck cart to be happy. I could be happy with any lower model Koestu often had cheap on the GON, Allerts lower priced carts are very good, EMT's are very good, Shindo SPU is great with the Hommage Step Up, all these carts are can be had near the Allnic price. All of which I would prefer, but that does not necessarily mean you will.
IMO this cart is not an overachiever. It is certainly was not a top tier cart in my system on my SME V arm, perhaps that was the issue. The Allnic Z did not compare favorably to these carts that have been in my house the last 4 months: Koetsu Coralstone, Dynavector Xv-1T, Air PC-1 or the Air Tight Supreme. Main difference the Allnic is just not a transparent as all the others across the frequency spectrum. To be honest not even close.

Obviously, their is a significant price difference to the above mentioned carts. Now on to value, I didn't find this cart to be a strong value proposition either, if I were buying or recommending a cart at this price point this would not make my list. Just my 2 cents.