Allnic tube dac

Allnic has introduced the Allnic D-10000 dac, a tube design with what looks like an interesting analogue stage. Has anybody out there got a listen, yet?


Showing 3 responses by pindac

I have used Valve Devices in my System for more than 30 years.

I have used Valve Pre-Amp’s, constantly used Valve Power Amp’s, been intermittently using Valve Phonostages and have a Valve DAC as the only DAC ever owned.

All Valve equipment has been bespoke Designs/Builds.

Through having direct communication with EE’s specialising in Valve Circuits, and with the long-term relationships having developed with a few EE’s who now have over 40years experience in their chosen field of electronics.

There is one lesson installed through these individuals to myself, that is understood, never forgotten and ritualistically maintained. The Lesson being do not leave Valve Equipment when Powered On unattended for extended periods, it has always been made known it is best to have eyes on.

When in the idea of having OTL Circuits has been discussed as an Amplifier, they are discouraged as there has always been a concern raised about the risks associated with the design, and the need to be permanently eyes on and ready to Power Off. (That advice when given is intended to be taken literally.)

I have heard over the years a selection of DIY Built OTL Valve Amp’s, they do have a very nice sonic, and excel with highly efficient speakers. I would not entertain a design in my home, as a result of all the guidance on board from much more experienced individuals than myself.

With the above information lodged deep, I will retract from the idea of a OTL in use as an Amp’, like I would retract my hand from a dog looking ready to bite.

Unfortunately, this inherent caution also extends to the idea of using a Valve DAC with similar Topology and Circuitry in the system. I do hope I cross paths with the design and can experience what it can offer.



A good friend owned a Graaf OTL for quite a few years.

It was only sold as they were never quite sure about it, as it run so hot.

I would like to think Graaf and Atma-Sphere have a parity in reputation when it comes to reputation for having a reliability.

'HOT' is the Key Word, and Hot combined with a Domestic Environment is a combination that is for the best, if it comes with a cautionary advisory. I have taken that advice in relation to OTLs in use as Amplifiers in a Home System.

My friend with the Graaf had purchased this as a retirement gift.

After a period of usage, they had made it known, they were not able to fully rest and enjoy the music, as they had with other owned Amp's. There was always a proportion of thought reserved for the concern for the Amplification running quite Hot. I have not been informed of any concerns about the usage of an Amplifier since they separated from the Graaf.  

My sharing an experience around the subject of OTL Amp usage and the sharing of the experience of a friend, has content that is not unfamiliar.

It would be quite easy to discover these are concerns that arise in other discussions that are aired in a thread to be found on other forums about the usage of a OTL Amplifier.

Such concerns can be found within this very forum.