Allnic, Herron or Tavish choice?

I have a dilemma on which would suit me best. All of them are not cheap dates :O, but all are about the same ballpark pricewise -/+. I run 2 tables, Technics SP-15's side-by-side. The rest of my system is a Krell PAM3 preamp, Krell KSA 10 and Acoustat model 3 electrostats. One table has a .3mv AT33PTGII (MC) and the other, I use a bunch of different MM coils in the 3.5-5 mv range. I want to be able to simply switch between tables without changing things.I prefer via the front of the preamp. What do you think is the best choice of those 3 in the title? Oh, other phono preamps are welcome to throw into the mix as well.
Or tube phono stages with output impedance <1000 ohms. The lower, the better.

I know this is a step down from the 3 mentioned, but what about this one?
Rega Aria
I tried to call Tavish many different times........during "business" hours. I also left a call-back message. That was a week ago. They do not answer the phone or return calls. I guess they do not want to be bothered. I will look elsewhere then.