Alleviate brightness by using tube pre?

I was wondering if a decent pre-amp (I was thinking Anthm Pre-2L) would alleviate brightness when hooked up to my Acurus A100. Currently using the Acurus RL-11 pre, with Cambridge Audio CD4SE and PSB Straus Bronze speakers. Really, my problem is an extremely bright room (hardwood floors, 20 foot ceilings etc.) - the same gear sounds wonderful to my ears in a smaller, carpeted room. So, would the pre-2l help combat what are essentially room anomalies? Thanks!
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Showing 1 response by eldragon

Carl is right, the cheapest and most benefficial way to upgrade your system is changes you can make in your room. Heavy curtains, persian rug, bookshelves...etc. Room acoustic is THE most important "tweak"