All vandersteen users ?

have been using vk55: 55wpc for a pair of vandersteen 2ce Sig2 where have been recently told by another dealer that unless we hit 200W, one cannot really imagine what these speakers are capable of ..... he mentioned immensely higher 'headroom'

now looking at either upgrading to

1. a pair of vk55 monblocks
2. or just a vk75

Speakers wise, wld be looking at going up to vandersteen quatro...

Qn: Wld 02 x vk55 monoblocks really be too little for vandersteen 2ce Sig2 OR for that matter the quatro..

any advice from any vandersteen users wld be highly appreciated...
I was fortunate to demo the Grand Veena and the Vandersteen 5A one afternoon.
First up was the Grand Veena.
Very good sound, nice integration considering all the drivers( Iam a stat or concentric type).
I was impressed.
Then the Vandy 5A.
A certain simiarity, in the sense that all the drivers were coherent,very fast like the Grand Veena, but just so much more weight to everything, even violins.
Of the two the twice as expensive Vandy was the winner, but if you don't have the funds, the Grand Veena was a close second.
I haven't listened to Vandy 2 since the early 1990s when I owned a pair and didn't listen to the 3 or Quatro so I can't comment on their place in all of this.
Maybe they would surprise me also and for a lot less money than the two contenders.
So far the Grand Veena is my pick in the under $10,000.00 bracket.
I am a Vandersteen user. These speakers are one of the great bargains at any of their price levels. The only sure way of deciding if the speaker/amp combination is to your liking is to set them up in your room and listen to them together. In my experience the quality of amp is even more important than the power output of it. Richard says that most user guarantee return cards say they use either Ayre or BAT equipment.
I, like one of the earlier posters in this thread have used VTL compact 100's
to power my 2ce sigs. I thought they sounded wonderful until I threw in a
380 watt Rotel 1090. This amp took the Vandys to the next level!
Since then, I have tried other solid state designs rated at 200 watts or above,
and have come to the conclusion that the 2ce's sound there best with big power. At least for my ears.
As a hard core Vandersteen lover and owner all the info I've heard and read about Vandys says that they like power, and I find that to be true. But I've also been told that the quality of the amp is equally important. You want a big power supply and transformers. I used to have 2CIs, which I loved and still miss, and was pushing them with a Parasound HC 100WPC amp which sounded nice, but I couldn't really push the 2CIs with it, as they will take 160 watts. I found an old Soundcraftsmen Pro Power 10, which is actually 2 completely separate bridgeable amps in one chassis, and it's great because then you can bi-amp from one unit. The Pro Power 10 puts out something like 235 WPC into 8 ohms, and as soon as I hooked it up the 2CIs started roaring. It's nice to have all that power because I can be throwing 100 watts into my speakers and the amp is just breezing along. I think that all equipment sounds better when it's not being run at close to full capacity. And if you can find any MFA tube amps jump on them. A friend of mine has a pair and they are the best I've heard yet, better than McCormick and Krell and Perraux and McIntosh and everything else. What a wonderful sounding pair of amps. And plenty of power, 200 wpc plus. But I digress. YES, more power is better.
Please indulge me bringing up an old thread. Given, as I state under my system, I need to use my 2ce sigs in my tv setup room, I feel I am wasting the classe amp. I am considering a wyred for sound dac 1 as an upgrade to my listed secondary system which is turning out to be primary system. Is it crazy to move the smaller Nad amp to the Vandersteen 2ce system given that its main function is tv/ blu Ray?