All time classics? Your top 3 or 4?

Most of us here on AudiogoN have had more than our share of components and

What items do you feel are "all time classics"?

These would be audio products that set the standard for others and are (likely) even now well thought of.

I will start things off with:

1. The Dahlquist DQ-10
2. The Large Advent
3. The Conrad Johnson ART pre-amp.
4. The Classe CAP-100 integrated.

(I could/should have mentioned others...but that's why I started this thread!).

Showing 1 response by garfish

1. The various Vandersteen 2C speaker models have become classics, as have 2. McCormack DNA.5 and DNA-1 amplifiers. These are both very high value products that have stood the test of time. I also agree with the 3. Syn. Res. Master Coupler power cord as a classic. It's certainly one of the power cords that started the high quality "power cord revolution", and is still a standard of sorts. Cheers. Craig