All Maplenoll owners

I 'd like to share my recent experience with maplenols's owners. I read many times how difficult is to cvlean the small holes inside the air chanber of Maplenoll's arm. I tried to do this with my Maplenoll tonearm when I needed to replace the air pump. No problem with the platter it is very easy to suspend it ; at the opposite the tonearm need a higher pressure. So after I bought a new pump( Takazugi 80) and I realized that the air was not enough for the arm I decide to check if the holes inside was patent and well functioning: to do this a removed the black metal block where the horizzontal arm ( piston) is inserted and after to have inspected the plastic plug wich connects the air tube to the base of the black block, I removed the cylinder ; it is not difficult just use an hammer and give some well addressed bit to the external ring ( Pay attention to not damage the internal surface). The cylinder it is hold in its position by two 0rings.After you have removed the cylinder you can see the holes where the air pass trough the air chamber to the internal surface of the cylinder ; they are four for each side . Now you can unscrew the screws inside the holes , clean them with thricloroethilene and then replace them. Remove the 0rings and subsitute them or simply clean them ( Do Not use or touch them with thricloroethilene): put a little amount of grease . After that you replace the screws and if you want a little bit air more ( this was my case)after you tight the screws turn them back for an hafl round. Replace all and try . To have a better air distribution is better to separate the two pipe line outside the tuntable creating an Y and put on each a meter to measure the air flow.
This confirms my suspicion that the Maplenoll turntable was not designed to reproduce music but is instead an entrance exam for the Secret Society of Mad Scientists. I suspect they will be contacting you shortly.
Neat response, as these tables are not plug and play. However, the ariadne signature and apollo tables are really some of the finest systems to recreate the magic in the grooves. Some people have tried these tables and given up due to the issues with getting them initially set up and optimized. I did struggle with my first one. However, now owning three different maplenoll models including my fairly recent apollo purchase, I actually find these tables easy to set up and optimize. Concerning the original comments on the air distribution, flushing the circuit is an easier way to clean if you feel that one or more of the openings is fouled or plugged. I have not experienced a problem with the nozzles but learned early on this type of airbearing does require a high pressure air source. I have operated one table using two pumps, but also found that a good needle valve on the platter and arm allowed for great control of the pressure at the platter and arm.
I have not had one but a friend , Foster Blair, has one. He finally gave up on it and he is as technically competent as anyone I know. He does the tube restorations for Mapleshade and has been known to wire kits just for the fun of it , not to listen to. I have no doubt that , WHEN WORKING, they are one of the best tables. Do you know the story of how the tables inventor managed to blow up a gas station with a weapon he was developing for the Pentagon?