***All-in-one integrated***$5000.00-$7500.00***Class A/B only***Stellar Headphone***

Following closely the similar thread $10,000.00+ with great interest & looking at the recommended components I don't think I can bring myself to spend that much..I demo'd a SimAudio 340iX today in my system & the sound was amazing until I plugged in the HiFiMan HE400i headphones,VERY disappointing for a $5000.00 rig,sounding flat,lifeless & tonally black...Contrasting the headphone circuit in my Creek Evo50a/Ruby rig which rivals some of the best tube can amps I've ever heard(Woo,modded out APPJ Audio & Schiit)...
 This is my first foray into higher end SS..The Creek I have had 2 weeks now,the first SS amp in many many years,since I plugged a Yaqin tube buffer into my Newcastle surround receiver & discovered tubes...It displays wonderful color throughout the midrange & upper bass, a sweet,extended treble,extended & well defined imaging & staging,even well outside the speakers if it's on the recording,as well as good depth..Where I think it can improve is:
drums don't have quite that organic,hear into the skin of tubes...
Low level resolution seems VERY slightly veiled,like the MOSFET mist of old....
 So I'm wondering what is available higher up the food chain($5000.00+),doesn't need DSD but does need excellent headphone,USB,Toslink,remote,rival good tubes in all sonic areas & lastly can't be HUGE & weigh above 50lbs..I'm pushing 60 & a lifetime of Military Diving has left my back pretty much wrecked.I also looked at the Mcintosh MA-5300 today & while the sound was more than promising it was a freaking Abrams...
 Can anyone comment on the upcoming Ayre EX-8?Prices is right at $7500.00..I thought I read somewhere they had kind of a cool house sound,not sure that would work for someone who values that golden hued Class A tone...
 How about moving up the Creek ladder,anyone think the Evo100a would add that missing resolution & organic tone..
 Speakers are Harbeth M30.1,cables are Nordost Purple Flare & Red Dawn Leif,well treated room,musical taste all over the map...Thanks all,take care...

Showing 2 responses by devilboy

I’m absolutely loving my Hegel Rost. I have been gushing about it in many threads but I can’t help it. I used it as an all-in-one for a while and was amazed at how good its DAC is. In my experience, the DACs in the all-in-one units seem to be the area that suffers the most. I was on the fence for months about getting a standalone DAC. I ultimately did but it took months and a phenomenal DAC.

The headphone amp for my Hifiman Arya was a Burson Conductor V2+ and I was very happy with it. After listening to the Arya with the Hegel’s headphone output, I sold the Burson. I think the headphone output of the Hegel is amazing.

So, to my ears, the Hegel sounds fantastic... All 4 sections of it...DAC, Preamp, amp and headphone. It’s small, relatively lightweight and built well.

I got mine brand new for $1,400.
@freediver  was your question directed towards me?
If so, I'm using Grover Huffman ZX+ speaker cables.