Ali Baba


I run Tara Labs cables (The One) and looking for a new interconnect as I need a longer cable.  These cables are thousands of dollars but $100 on Ali Baba.  I know they CAN'T be real but just gotta ask.

This stuff is all counterfeit, correct?


Showing 1 response by rickysnit

I find AliExpress ok, and find regardless what the cable says on it, you generally get what you pay for in China. More often than not the material they use is as advertised or stated. I have a few preferred vendors, AT Audio for instance, Xangsane cable makes some fine product. For serious applications I go NA or EUR made, but for a lot of interesting offerings at great prices, I go Chinois. I actually find the fake names funny - It is true some of the lower end (inexpensive) cables can be shoddy in construction - but again, you get what you pay for, money talks. Drop $200 on a chinese cable, you will be delivered something great, I can say that...