Aleph-3 Questions

I just recieved my dream amp.So far so good.It has under 50 hours on it.I was wondering if these have a recommended break in time?It sounds very good but honestly I was expecting better.Also has anyone found any tweaks that improve the performance? Cones etc.Thanks!

Showing 2 responses by garfish

David; Glad to see that you're liking the Aleph 3. I've considered one myself. What is your opinion of the quality of its bass and Pace, rhythm, and timing? Also, do you think there would be any problem connecting stiff, heavy bi-wired cables? I've read where there's not much room for on this amp. Good Luck, and Thanks. Craig.
Thanks for the response Dave. I agree that "natural" bass is best, ie as opposed to overly prominent bass of some components. My McCormack DNA-2DX does bass very well & with good PR&T too. It runs just hot enough to attract our cat who occasionally sleeps on top of it-- while it is playing-- hope your feet are OK. I'm glad to hear you've successfully tried biwiring, as that's one of the reasons I've stayed away from the Aleph amps. For now, I just acquired a Sonic Frontiers Power 2 (lots of tubes) that I'm enjoying. I don't seem to be able to stay away from big amps (it weighs 110 lbs). So the Aleph will have to wait:-). Cheers. Craig.