Aleph-3 Questions

I just recieved my dream amp.So far so good.It has under 50 hours on it.I was wondering if these have a recommended break in time?It sounds very good but honestly I was expecting better.Also has anyone found any tweaks that improve the performance? Cones etc.Thanks!

Showing 9 responses by david99

To my ears my new amp sounds very good.My concern is I feel it should sound MUCH,MUCH better.Am I asking too much from a 'Beyond class A" amp? It replaced a stock Dynaco ST-70 with good tubes.As I said before it has <50 hours on it.My ex- girl friend was invited over last night for a listen as she watched my obsession over owning a Aleph-3 for over 3 years.I thought it only fair she have a listen.Any way she has very good ears but said"the tube amp sounds better than that!" She did change her mind as the evening went on but she was never overly impressed.I feel the sound quality should be a HUGE improvement considering all the rave reviews and awards this amp got.The sound stage is about 2 feet deeper,but no wider.Much better bass,far better dynamics,Imaging a little better as well as focus.The tone is sweeter too.I expected a HUGE soundstage not a Dynaco soundstage.I guess maybe I expected too much.My speakers are 92dB so volumn is no problem.Do I need a pair of Wontans to get a huge soundstage??
Hi guys,thanks for all the advice.My speakers are Paradigm Studio Reference 80 v-1.My I.C.from my Rogue99 with phono are H.T. Prosilway MK2.Anyway my "Dream amp" is sounding mighty fine tonight.I need to get used to the sound and give it much more time to prove its self to me.I have pretty much been disappointed initially with everything I put new into my system(except BD #4 cones) under the Rogue.Im sure after another hundred hours or so I will be very happy.I got a great deal on it and could make a couple hundred if I decide to sell it so Im not sweating it.Oh it sounds so good right now! Listening to "Dark Side Of The Moon" Vinyl(of course) Thanks again!
Sedond,I e-maied Mark(Rogue) and he got right back to me as he is working late as they are getting ready to move to a larger facility this week.I gave him the specs.for the Aleph-3.He said the match should be fine with the 99.I told him about your comments (no name) and he said"Im not sure what he was measuring but it would be darned hard to design a mu-follower type preamp with a high output impedence of 2K-2.4K ohm." I just hope this amp pleases me when fully burned in.If not anybody want a Aleph-3 for a grand?
Well, I guess what it comes down to is who to have more trust in.I will have to side with Mark.He designed the 99 as well as all the other pre-amps and amps they manufacture.It would be my opinion Mark knows what he is doing and knows his designs better than anyone.All his products are getting rave reviews.He must know exactly what he is doing.If it comes down to me having to decide which piece of gear has to go it sure wont be the 99.Its staying in my system forever!
Carl,I did have that part worked out.I did my home work.I talked with Rogue,Pass and my dealer to make sure the 99(came first) would mate well with an Aleph-3 should I ever actually get one.The mismatch idea has only come into play because of sedonds statements.Please read above about how I contacted Rogue about this.I am waitng for a reply from Pass also.
I have added approx.50 more hours of burn in time using the burn in track on the Stereophile test CD-3.The amp had about 50 hours on it when I recieved it.It really is opening up very nicely.I am starting to finally be very impressed!! I notice no loss of dynamics,and seems maybe I have a decent match after all.Im looking forward to the next 100 hours.I will report back in another 50 or so.Thanks to Doug for his research for me and to Carl for "rubbing it in" Carl,UP YOURS!! (private joke)
Carl,the new GODSMACK is coming out Halloween!! I will snatch one up that day.Will this "Broaden my Horizens"?
Here is an update.First of all,this amp has taken a long time to burn in.It had <50 hours on it when I got it.I expected it to start to show off around 200 hours.At that point it sounded very good but I felt my expectations had been too high for this amp.No more! I have approx.400 hours on it now and at around 350 hours it started to meet my very high expectations and more! There had been a concern if the Aleph-3 was a good match for my Rogue 99.Compressed dynamics was the concern I believe d/t a possible impedence mismatch.Well if there is one I cant hear it.This amp swings like crazy!In my opinion the dynamics are top notch.I had considered keeping the amp through the winter then selling it.But now I think its going to be in my system for a very long time!I think I would have a hard time finding a better sounding amp.
Craig,I have found the bass to be very true to life.It may not have the room shaking slam of a Bryston or Krell but so what? Pace? rhythm? timing? This amp swings!Im amazed how fast the notes fly off the strings!This amp is a totally new experience for me.Music sounds much more like live than I thought possible.You really should try to get your hands on one for a listen.Or just buy one for the crazy low used prices.I paid <$1000 delivered with < 50 hours on it.I found hooking up the spades in the back to be no problem.It is very cramped back there but if you have enough space to be able to get around it no problem.I have a double run of some older Tara's that are REAL stiff.The posts are really heavy duty and tighten down well.I had no problem with them.The only problem I have with that 3"X6" space in the back is getting to the rocker on/off switch.It is located right below the posts and you have to stick your finger below,between,around,under,upside down etc,etc to find the damn thing.Makes leaving it on 24/7 even more tempting!It does run VERY hot.After its on for a couple days its hard to keep your finger on the top plate for more than a few seconds without pain.Dont try a bare foot on the top plate like me.Feet are much more sensitive to burns than hands.It hurt like hell!IMO only,I think you would be floored by this amp.I know I am..... Dave