Album which you have listened to most?

We all have favourites and we all keep going back to them every now and then. Some maybe permanently lying next to our systems and have been for years.

Is there an album or two or three at the most which gets most of your attention and is played on your system most often? Not necessarily the best sounding but the one which you are emotionally attached to.

I thought I would ask for a single album but to make it easier for all you may name three of them.

If you have have had the album for more than five years, it qualifies for inclusion here.

The reason I decided to post this message is because I am interested in buying something interesting and if there are only ten people responding it means 30 albums for me to be on the lookout for.

Thanks a lot for your input (if you have read this far I know you will post your three albums also) :-)

Showing 21 responses by quadophile


So what if you feel kind of Blue, me too for a long time but in a good way. :)
You Audiogoners never cease to amaze me! I was expecting maybe 10 responses and in all, 30 albums to hunt down, but, here I am confronted with 47 posts in only two days and probably more to come. Do you guys have any idea how many albums have been mentioned in this thread? WOW so much of good music is packed into this thread I had no idea it would turn out this way. Thank you so much to each and every one who responded.

Going through the whole thread I realised there are many good albums which I already own but still many which I must check out. Some of the albums mentioned are also on top of my list and I listen to over and over and have been doing it for years.

I did not mention my three choices (three is really difficult and I wish I had asked for ten!)when I started this thread but allow me to mention them in this post.

Carole King - Tapestry
have been listening to it since last 32 years and still laying next to my system, it was the LP in 1971 followed by the CD in 1989 and another version of the CD few months back. (The LP is still with me though, but, a few mm thinner with hundreds of hours of playing!)

Zakir Hussain, John McLaughlin, Jan Garberak and Hari Prasad Chaurasia - Making Music
Listening to it since 1989 on a regular basis and use it when there is any component change or when evaluating other fellow audio nuts system. Sounds fabulous with Maggies and LS3/5a's. Track 1 has the uncanny ability to hypnotise anyone, provided it is heard on a good system.
This is an album which I think gives one an impression that the instruments are talking to each other, this also conveys to the listener how skillfull the musicians are. Plenty of improvisation. The only album which is better in all respect is "Kind of Blue"

Strunz and Farah - Primal Magic
pure magic in every sense of the word!

During the last one year I have come across some very good albums which are not only having excellent music to start with, but, excellent sonics as well. Patricia Barber's Cafe Blue is one of them. This album can also be used to evaluate any system and the better the system the better it sounds, I have no idea what the limits are for this album. Another lovely album which grabbed my attention few years back was Cassanda Wilson's New Moon Daughter. Both these albums do not qualify to be included in the post even though both were released more than five years back. The reason? I have had them for less than five years.

I made the rules and I should be the last to break them.
It will remain open of course for any new input so that it can serve many members not just me, who are looking for music to buy.

I will keep following it for sure as and when new messges are posted, why not!
Thanks for the fantastic response! You guys are really dependable in everysense of the word.

Of the five you mention I have the Dire Straits on CD, U2 on both vinyl and CD and Supertramp on vinyl. I agree with you that these are incredible sounding albums.

Another album which I have on both vinyl as well as CD is Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms which actually beats all the above in almost every department.

I agree with what you say. I happen to like some artists who are mentioned in this thread hence I may check them out, its worth the risk. OTOH some artists mentioned I cannot stand them so I will certainly disregard them. (By mentioning the artists/albums which I do not like, I may well create confusion which could lead to flame wars, the last thing I would like to do on this board)

I also happen to like many albums but I do not expect others to appreciate as much as I do. We have to respect each others opinion. After all music is about emotions, and if you read my original post I did mention "Not necessarily the best sounding but the one which you are emotionally attached to"

All in all, I find that this thread has a lot to offer. So thank for your valuable input, which is greatly appreciated!

What is your opinion on the track 1 on album "Making Music"?

Your post above in this thread mentioned that you bought Peter Gabrial's "UP" and you simply said "YUCK". As for Making Music and Primal Magic you went ahead and bought them! Why? How did you make up your mind that this audiophool (Quadophile) could be trusted with music recommendation ? I am gald you liked them, otherwise I would surely be in touble! :-)

I have no idea how much of good music is out there that we are missing, I bet what we have is like a drop in the ocean. By sharing good music, we all get to listen more of the variety and I believe that is what we are precisely doing on this thread.

Happy Listening!
Nostalgia has hit me hard! Currently the albums getting more platter time are

Roxy Music - Avalon
Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms
Patricia Barber - Cafe Blue

Good choices I must say, even though I would have like to include the Diana Krall album I could not due to the rules. - Albums which are over 5 years old. :)

Tracy Chapman is my reference for vocals, especially track no 6 (Mountain o' things), it has faboulous bass lines as well at the start and later into the song at around 3:35, some systems I have heard give a hint of it only but on good systems it is very prominent.
This thread keeps sufacing every few months and I keep coming back to it, my god there is lot of superb music on this thread.

Thank you all for posting on this thread :)
Some great additions again by few more members, thank you will keep checking this thread, which I think was worth creating!

I did not expect such such whole-hearted support but this is just amazing. This thread is full of melodies ;)
I am still looking for good music and it would be great to see some more folks posting here, thanks!

Abraxas is surely a great album as haunting as any can be. Very good choice!
I wonder what has changed for those who posted 5-7 years back on this thread. Are you still listening to the same or have shifted to something else?
I think I need to update my own list since it has been seven years since I posted this thread. I still listen to the ones I mentioned but have to add one to the list.

Cassandra Wilson - New Moon Daughter
Larry you wrote:

"Reading the comments above, I'm reminded and or realizing that Audiogon, undoubtedly has some of the most gentle, tuned in souls in the universe in attendence."

Boy, you said a mouthful and you are so right about that, I agree 100% that the group of people on A'gon have to be some of the most like-minded folks gathered in one place.

The sense of sharing at it's best.
Cannot believe that this thread I posted more than 7 years ago and it is still getting great responses! I come back to it whenever someone posts to check out the albums.

Keep 'em coming!

Have you heard the SACD version of the Scheherazade conducted by Fritz Reiner with Chicago Symphony Orchestra? It is the original recording on Living stereo and superb sounding too. It is my favourite as you can tell. If you already know it please disregard this message.

It is available on Amazon
I discovered so much music on this thread that I wish to thank each and every one of you who responded to this thread from the bottom of my heart. I know some of you came back few times after every few years since I posted this 17 years ago.
If this is your first time or tenth time visiting this thread, post 3 albums as per original request and make my day!
Happy Listening!