Albany NY "Capital District"

The Catskill & Adirondack Audio Society has been around since 1989. It's been hibernating for a bit now, but if there is new response from this post, I'll see what we can do to ratchet up the meeting schedule! your emails in response are welcomed...
I expect to shortly tack on some club pages to my website under the Archives/Images section:

Showing 9 responses by bear

I'm planning a meeting here in August.

Probably SUNDAY the 24th, although the week earlier is possible too. I am located a few short minutes off Thruway exit 21B (just south of Albany and the Bershire spur).

If you think you *will be attending* or *not* PLEASE EMAIL ME asap.

Depending upon the replies received, I will adjust or alter the plan...

you can always email me from



PS. I know this is short notice, but I feel that it is essential to seize the window of opportunity that exists at this time...

Posts up here don't do much, since I check this thing about
once every 4-6 months... I gave up chasing people around to
make something happen several years back. So if you want
something to happen, help make it happen, and send some
emails this way!!


Please EMAIL ME, if anyone wants to make something happen??
bear at bearlabs dot com <---

What more can I say??


Organizing anything via this post on Audiogon isn't terribly effective, eh?
ANNOUNCE: Meeting here.

Ok, I'm making a preliminary announcement of a "meeting" here at my place. It will have to be *after* April 15 for two reasons: tax madness and I am helping a family member move, which is an impossibly long and drawn out process (anyone got a big van or truck??)... I'm thinking that SUNDAY afternoon/evening is likely to be best (used to be a time people could handle). So, that's April 23, 30, or May 7th or 14.

Please EMAIL ME, no matter what you all discuss here on audiogon, with your preferences?

I'm prepared to spend the whole day doing audio and nothing but audio. You can bring stuff, CDs, gear, cables, whatever... or nothing. We can all throw in and get some good Chinese take out for snack or dinner, if y'all want.

I'll have a bi-amped horn system up (you can drive the top end with small tubes no problem) and an ESL - so any amp can be run no matter what the power level. We can sub in speakers if anyone wants to lug such things...

Lemmee know...

OK DUDEZ!! Mini meeting open to interested folks...

At my place June 30th. That's a Saturday.


What we'll be doing - Listening on wide range horns w/15"midbass and Quadripole subs, and likely also Altec A-7X modified and rebuilt by moi, w/803 horns, leaving for a new home shortly... talking about circuits, equipment and stuff... doing some electronics things in the lab (maybe).

Al Rauchwerger of Virtual Image will be here with some of his goodies.

You may bring CDs, and ANY GEAR you'd like to hear inserted into the system!

The place here is in flux and half-life decay, but we'll still have a good time even if no one who reads this shows up... but I figured I'd make a good faith post here...

Remember: email me: bear at bearlabs dot com

Had a great get together!

Waveman, myself, Al, Pablo & Rick (their real names) were there.

Extensive cable swapping, interconnect and AC, two transports, Waveman brought an over-the-top build preamp, Rick brought a tapped xfmr passive preamp and a DAC... auditioned and listened for hours... magnificent!


Hmmm... contact me at bear at bearlabs dot com

i don't look at this thread much any more... happy to get together with others in the area...