Alarm Clock with Audiophile Grade Sound?

A friend is looking for an alarm clock with decent sound quality. Any recommendations? I think he's willing to spend up to $300 or so but I would guess that he won't have to. Thanks.

Showing 5 responses by philjolet

if he could find a used Proton clock radio they sound nearly as good as a Tivoli

I still use mine and it sounds great despite being 30 years old, I have the Tivoli too and it is a bit warmer but not that much better imo
Bojack, the Tivoli is perfectly reasonable sounding for what they are and have a decent tuner

btw what is audiophile sound?

the Cambridge Soundworks i755 gets terrible reviews on Amazon

problems galore

my parents have a Nakamichi and it is a Proton with the Nak name on it

I agree it sounds pretty good, maybe slightly bright