Alan Maher Designs

Hi there I have been using Alan maher designs products for the past 4 months. Have any audiogon members used his products before? If so any comments ?

I  started of with 4 of his cbf 0hz at my circuit breaker side which later I added on with his pressure plate. Im mighty impressed with the results I am getting. The improvements is across the board in my audio setup and my LCD panel now looks like 4k !!. Next i used his fuse wraps and that took me up another level especially on my TV resolution(UK plugs). I have ordered more of his stuff (emi clamps, platforms, QPI) but as of now the products he offer seems to be doing so much more if you look in a price point of view.

There's so much of information that he shares in his FB post that has given me a good understanding about the reality of our electrical lines and how much of dirty power is running in our homes.

Showing 5 responses by tjbhuler

Hi guys thanks for the response it's great to know I'm not one of the few audiophiles who are into his products lol!. I got to know about him when I was searching through the Web on dedicated lines and breaker panels. 

The more I read about his approach on dealing with "dirty" lines and emi/rfi the more I got sucked in to his ways. I have had numerous amount of discussion with Alan and like what Ivan said in a particular way of installing his products is what Alan told me too. It makes perfect sense to attack on areas that affects your electrical lines the most eg: fridge, washing machine, microwave, WiFi router. This is to minimise the dirt into your electrical lines which will travel back to your breaker panel and spreading to other circuits in your house.

He has a very systematic way of approach to treating your lines which I feel it's best to let him describe it when you ask him. In general I devided his products into two categories electrical noise and airborne noise. 

I too initially had a slight blip on installing his pressure plate over at my breaker panel. The TriCell plate was installed the other way round which did not seem to give the effect that was described by others. After looking through his fb post that's when I realised it was the other way round! Once I got it fixed that's when I noticed the change in my a/v system. 

 His products need some run in period so you have to have some patience during that period as things may sound closed in or out of phase but after some period of time everything will fall in place and better.

 I have yet to try his plug in products (QPI/TG mini/waveguides) which I have ordered. Only time will tell how will that fare at my place.

Hi John just realised it's John and not Ivan lol. Wow you are using 7 platforms that's cool !!!. I will definitely be getting more platforms in future.

As of now I have ordered 1 active platform for my QB8 which seems to be the logical approach as that's where all my equipments power cables are hooked on. The platform cable itself using a spade lug will be connected to the grounding post of my QB8. Alan said that it will be more effective hooking it in that manner as in comparison to hooking up with an ac plug on an outlet.

Later will be slowly progressing to get more platforms for my other equipments and hooking it up to a custom ground bar that he makes.

Have you tried his magnetics line products ? Particularly the Magnetics inline add on power cable and the Magnetics QPS 4.0 ? I'm thinking of getting it but am still undecided which one should i start of with.
Oh wow that's loads of work for you. Please do post your system would love to have a look at it. 

As for me I'm still awaiting for Alan's goodies to arrive. I too ordered the Tri-wave filter, please do keep me updated on how does it sound and where do you place it. 

@txp1 i have been using Alan's Maxwell QPI and i can tell you theres a significant jump compared to his 0hz,aqua series..he has managed to combine few of his previous designs into an all in one solution..i can't comment much what he has done cause i dont know what is the contents of his maxwell qpi. But i can attest that his current Maxwell line has big improvements compared to his previous generations. As for the ethernet cable, sorry i have no experienced with it ..hope this helps :).

Thats fantastic! Please do update on his ethernet cable will definitely wanna hear your opinion :)