Airtight vs My Sonic Lab

Anyone know the sonic diffences betw. airtight PC1 supreme and my sonic lab ultra eminent. Both companies have carts that are very similar in specs and price. Airtight seems very popular while MSL is little known.
Great comparison thanks for the information and very easy to get an idea on how these cartridges sound. A.J. Conty of Basis wanted me to hear My Sonic Labs against my ZYX Ultimate 2. It sounds like the two are similar. Thanks again
I know this thread is old but wanted to post my comments on these two outstanding cartridges.  Certainly two of the best sounding cartridges i have heard to date,  i have listened to both extensively, no not on the same systems but i have extensive listening skills and can listen through a system and tell you what each component is doing in a system.  First both of these cartridges are exceptional, but there important differences that might be more to your liking.  The PC—1 is exceptionally fast, detailed, dynamic.  Exceptional resolving power.  
The ultra eminence is more relaxed, still very dynamic.  I find it to more natural exceptionally well balanced.  It is the closest i have heard to madter tape quality.  It totally shocked and amazed me.  In fact in the system i heard it in we were playing some of the best mastered and sounding vinyl versions of music, compared to 15ips second gen master tapes on a modified Ampex ATR 102.  All tapes and the machine by Bernie Grundmen.  And let me tell you, of course the master tapes were better, BUT the analog was not far off.  It is to this day the best sounding cartridge i have heard.  With the PC-1 coming in a very close second.  
I know this thread is old but wanted to post my comments on these two outstanding cartridges.  Certainly two of the best sounding cartridges i have heard to date,  i have listened to both extensively, no not on the same systems but i have extensive listening skills and can listen through a system and tell you what each component is doing in a system.  First both of these cartridges are exceptional, but there important differences that might be more to your liking.  The PC—1 is exceptionally fast, detailed, dynamic.  Exceptional resolving power.  
The ultra eminence is more relaxed, still very dynamic.  I find it to more natural exceptionally well balanced.  It is the closest i have heard to madter tape quality.  It totally shocked and amazed me.  In fact in the system i heard it in we were playing some of the best mastered and sounding vinyl versions of music, compared to 15ips second gen master tapes on a modified Ampex ATR 102.  All tapes and the machine by Bernie Grundmen.  And let me tell you, of course the master tapes were better, BUT the analog was not far off.  It is to this day the best sounding cartridge i have heard.  With the PC-1 coming in a very close second.