Airtight ATM300 vs. Cary 300SEI

I'm going to mate a SE tube integrated with some vintage Spendor LS3/5A spkrs. Had decided on the 11W Cary 300SEI (with WE's; I'm not a KR fan), but then see Gindi's review of Airtight 8W ATM300 in Ultimate Audio mag raving about the Airtight with, would you believe, these same 15 yr old speakers. Being the societal pawn and audiophobic guy that I am, or seem to be at the moment (we never admit it until that moment) now I'm intrigued about that combo. Cary is plentiful on used market at about $2K and, given the $6300 retail and newness of Airtight piece, it would be a minimum of $3500, so there is a difference. Anyone think its worth it? For context, system will have some type of CD player (Sony, Metronome,etc.), Audio note(Kondo) interconnect, Mapleshade Planar spkr cables, Well Tempered TT w/Koetsu. Thanks for the feedback.

Showing 1 response by brulee

Eggpowder says Cary is really not in the same league as the Airtight ATM300 and I would have to agree. The 805 from Cary at $3000 more sounds slow and and not nearly as involving. There is a lot more light and life in the Airtight and it can soundstage every bit as good as the 805s. IMO this is one good amp and seems much more powerful than it's 8 watts would suggest.