Airtangent vs Kuzma airline

Just bought the JC Verdier platine and want to get a tangent tracking arm.
I have received info and I am leaning towards the Kuzma or the swedish Airtangent .
The EM-2, Airtech MG-1 and the Condustor by the cartdridge man are also in the running but their build quality aren't in the same league from what I can tell in the pictures. How good are they I really don't know.
Opinions, or any comments wound be greatly appreciated.


Showing 2 responses by tubes108

Hi. I know nada about the Kuzma but have owned 2 AirTangents. The construction quality of the 2 AT's was excellent. Performance also was excellent. Unless the documentation has changed since I last owned one, they are kinda rough. So if you are doing your own setup, it might help if someone walked you thru the process once. If you do acquire an AT, let me know. I will see if I still have instructions for adjusting alignment. Also, likely I still have my Wally Tractor for the AT which I no longer need.

All tangental arms require a very stable turntable with lots of isolation from the outside world. Keeping the platter level is also another requirement. I've read several mentions that tangental arms require a lot of maintenance. That is not my experience with my ATs.

You have a very nice 'table so I would not expect you to make any changes, but should you ever have an interest changing to a Basis Debut, I have an armboard drilled out for an AirTangent which I no longer need.

Have fun!
Speedy. Actually, once I heard the sonic performance of the Basis Vector, noted it tracked in some instances better than the AT, cost tons less, I sold my AT. Had lots of $$ left after the Vector purchase which I applied towards vinyl.

Not all ATs are created equal; there were a bunch of models over the years. The last one I owned may have been the best they made. Without question, it was a fantastic product, but I am happier sonically and have less maintenance overall with the Vector (the AT does require some very minor attention, which really is no biggie, but I'd rather do no maintenance than a little maintenance). Although I'd be happy to live with one of the better Airtangents I don't miss much about them except for 2 things: (1) The initial rush of the musical presentation heard after I installed my 1st AT that made LPs seem so alive, almost each LP heard seemed to contain the sweet presence of a live recording. I'd say the performance for the time period was way up there compared to any competitive product. (2) My 1st AT, the 2B, had electronic cueing and end of the record lift. I do miss that feature a lot.