Airtangent vs Kuzma airline

Just bought the JC Verdier platine and want to get a tangent tracking arm.
I have received info and I am leaning towards the Kuzma or the swedish Airtangent .
The EM-2, Airtech MG-1 and the Condustor by the cartdridge man are also in the running but their build quality aren't in the same league from what I can tell in the pictures. How good are they I really don't know.
Opinions, or any comments wound be greatly appreciated.


Showing 4 responses by thomasheisig

Some time ago, my friend and me did make a comparison between the Phantom Arm and the Kuzma Airline, both fitted with identical Zyx UNIverse and both connected at two identical warm Klyne 7 Phonostages. It was a very interesting experience and btw. good as the 2.2 is, the Phantom is a total different animal. One of the real great Arms out there. And I agree with Albert, the Kuzma Air Line + Ref. Table is a good combination.
Just listened to the Caliburn turntable ( when I remeber the name, the one for 90k ), it was connected with Allaerts MC 1 B, Wavac Mono amps to a very huge Kharma. When I first listened I was amazed, after the first - unknown - record I asked for 2 titles I know very well and I was totally dissapointed:
High frequency information was dull and slow. I think, it wasn't the match itself, in my opinion it was the phono stage ( don't know what it was ). I think, you can invest in the most expensive, when the match with the phono stage is not really up to the max, it is still unsatisfying. I've been there with two friends, all have very good - and I mean VERY good - Analog systems ( Boulder, Klyne, Kuzma, Basis, Air Line, ML32, Aestetix Callisto Sign. Zyx, Transfiguration etc.etc.), we all had the same impression.
Yes, but in this Set Up the best and most expensive Cartridge and electronics was connected to the Schroeder Arm and all other Arms had no comparable cartridges and phono stages. It was only possible to say, this or that is better or not in general.
Frank, yes, I got a mail from Mr. Woschnick about the Set Ups, I will copy it here for info:
Triplanar + My Sonic Lab + Xono
Schröder SQ + XV1S + Tron Seven
Da Vinci + XX2 + Whest Audio P20
Jelco Vivid 2 + DL 103R + Klyne 6 Phono

all the best