Airport Express / I Tunes PC Setup questions

Painfully new, Newbie question. Airport Express connect multiple pairs of speakers in different rooms, to one I Tunes play list / one stereo sytem wirelessly? My goal is to set up speakers in several rooms of my condo for party music. I was hoping to do it with Airport Express and the I Tunes setup but my research tells me that all Airport Express unites / speaker pairs need to plug into the same stereo in order for the same music to be played over them.

Any suggestions or comments?

Also, what are my chances of getting I Tunes to work well with a Dell Dimension 2350 / Windows XP PC system? What level of savy is needed? My computer skills are basic at best.

Many thanks!

Jim (scrambling prior to Holiday Party on 12/11)

Showing 1 response by jmrnj

Many thanks for the responses.

Audioengr, Another Newbie Question. This may be be a stretch, but I'll ask anyway. Again the intention is to get the same party music playing in several different rooms. Can I send a playlist to two different powersources connected to different speaker pairs in different rooms at the same time? i.e. send one to an AE connected to my Lynn system in penthouse and drive my Totem Staff speakers there and concurrently play the same playlist through a pair of Klipsh speakers (non-amplified) plugged into an Airport Express and an amp on a different floor so we would hear the same playlist in both rooms concurrently?

If this would not work, then what would you suggest instead to achieve this. My hope was to avoid having to embed wiring and speakers into the walls but still be able to play the same party music downstairs, upstairs and on my roof deck eventually in the spring when I install those speakers.

Thanks again.