Airport Express compared to High End Transport.

I would love to hear from people who have compared the results of:

(1) Streaming music from a computer via Airport Express to a high end DAC via the optical output on an Airport Express.

(2) High end transport connected to the same DAC.

What were the sonic differences between the two? I suspect the high end transport was better, but thats just a supposition.

Many thanks in advance for your thoughts on this.

All the best,

Showing 3 responses by ghunter

I've compared this using a Chord Blu Transport and Airport Express into a Chord DAC64. Without the buffer (i.e. jitter reduction) circuitry turned on, the transport had a deeper, richer sound. Engaged the buffer up to 4 seconds and you'd be hard pressed to tell the two apart. Three people were in the room (including the Chord dealer) and we all agreed the Airport Express with a top-quality DAC changes the landscape in high-end audio. Source was both Apple Lossless and direct from CD through iTunes on an IBM Thinkpad T42.

In the end, I wound up using a USB extender to an M-Audio Audiophile USB with coaxial out into a Musical Fidelity A3.2/24 DAC. The Chord was a great unit, but I just didn't want to spend that much as my system is still in experimental mode.
Actually, I'm now using a USB interface to link them together as the AE inserted a delay in when starting playback. Very annoying.

Also, sorry for any misunderstandings in my original post - the 4-second buffer is neccesary to bring the DAC64 up to the level of the Blu. Without the buffer, it sounds thin.

It's also worth noting that the Blu has a dual output that I did not try. I've heard from my dealer that this once again takes the Blu to a different level as it seems to split the signal or something and the DAC64 has circuitry to reassemble it. I'm still ecstatic with my system.

I just bought an Audio Research DAC-5 and might just give the AE another chance in that context.

Well, I've hooked up the ARC DAC-5 and it's very different to the Musical Fidelity A3.24. It is far more detailed in every respect, but it is definitely not as warm sounding. In the end, it drove me to change my preamp to an ARC SP16L and at that point everything just fell into place. With other ARC gear, the DAC-5 feels right at home.

I've moved the MF A3.24 upstairs into our bedroom with my Exposure 3010 and Spendor S3/5se's and am using my Airport Express there. The main system in the living room is still being fed via USB extenders into an M-Audio Audiophile USB into the DAC-5.

This is now the true beauty of such a system: I have access to my complete (digital) catalog from two systems. I'll be adding the Airport Express Remote soon too.

Now we just need Apple to figure out a way to import SACD's and DVD-A's into iTunes at full quality! Obviously, the problem is more legal and political than technical. I dare say that if they crack that nut, the digital audiophile world is theirs.
