Airport Express clicking sound

I'm hearing a clicking or popping noise when using my Airport Express. It only happens on very "pure" sounds, like a high trumpet or a high soprano. Perhaps it is occurring other times but I can't hear it then.

I'm going from iTunes on a laptop to the Airport Express, digital out to a DacMagic. I know it's not the DAC, as I burned the same files to CD and played it through a CD player hooked up optically to the DacMagic, and no problems. I also tested the same files going directly from an iPod Touch to the Airport Express.

The only other thing it could be is the router, but I don't have a second router to test with. Any ideas of what's going on?

Showing 1 response by kijanki

I had dropouts from time to time on Airport Express digital outs but it stopped after I installed stronger 802.11 transmitter (USB adapter) setting it to transmit on 2.4GHz and 5GHz simultaneously (AE listens on both by default). I don't know if AE receives anything on 5GHz (my router is only 2.4GHz) or is it better transmitter (MacMini has just short piece of wire for antenna inside), but dropouts are completely gone. MacMini's internal Wi-Fi transmitter (Airport) is disabled (won't work with two networks). Dropouts were just gaps lasting 1-2 seconds and not clicks. AE has about 2-3 second buffer judging by amount of time it plays after shutting down transmitter.