AirPlay streaming question please
Well, it's been YEARS since I posted here and was once a regular.
Have migrated my music to a MacBook Pro now and seek to make my current streaming set up in my office sound "better".
Currently run the MacBook to an Arcam AirPlay Dac. Works OK and sounds "fine" but I cant use music streaming from services as the Arcam must be the "network" selected as well. It's odd.
Anyway, I only use Apple products so I seek the "best" AirPlay streaming set up just to get the signal over. It's about 12' from my computer to stereo. Will be getting new DAC as well, probably Benchmark DAC2.
I do have Apple TV upstairs and I could get an old one with TOSLINK (instead of just HDMI). But, wanted to check here to see if you have some ideas.
No video, no multi-room, just a two channel set up in my office in the basement. Belles amp/Benchmark DAC (coming) and Dynaudio Special 40s.