AIR'S "10000Hz Legend".

Category: Music

I think, the record is so bizzre, surreal, artistic, stunning, awsome, creative, out of this world that it deserves to be mentioned and recommended. One thing is certain: The music is anything but boring and deserves to be in your collection. A must for techno fans. Any takers?

I love the piano and acoustic guitar and bass layering along with futuristic elecronic notes and hushed vocals. And the lyrics: Fascinating!!

Showing 2 responses by jdlepera

This is one of the BEST Albums of 2001 along with Radiohead 's "Amnesiac".Airs 1st hit was Sexy Boy a trance dance song I can do without also Radio #1 is better but same.Virgin Suicides Album=Pink Floyd?10'000 HZ Legend Beyond anything Pink Floyd has done in some time.R Head and Air are leading the way Big time! Basically These Bands are FRESH Progressive Rock in the true since of the word.\ of 2001.Open your mind on these 2 Albums.BOTH on Vinyl also and sound Great!Both will test your systems Bass output,Mids and Highs.Acoustic to all out Tasty Rock at its CURRENT BEST !.I'm all Tube by the way.56 years old with an open mind.Have 1000's of Vinyl and Cd's.Old Jazz,Tons of Blues/Rock,50's.Brit Invasion.and Psych and Prog Rock.Also included in my collection is a handfull of Albums that made the TOP 40!Listen to The MUSIC!! NOT Equipment!!Air 10'000 is a very interesting and quirky album.Beck guests on a couple.Even a song about a Country for ya.A\The Air and Radiohead albums are NOT to be missed if you are into Music! So THERE !!By the Way I saw Air at The Mayham Theater In LA on their current Tour 2 nights straight and they stretched out and put on a great show.A Little Sex Born Poison Anyone?