Aidas Cartridge

Aidas                           PanzerholzAidas                           Purpleheart diamond
Aidas                           Purpleheart

Aidas                           Purpleheart ruby          

Aidas                           Red Heart Indian  

Aidas                           Red Heart Gabon  

Does anyone know anything about these.  They are supposed to be GREAT Value.  I find no reviews and no web site.

    Showing 3 responses by holmz


    Tracking on the Aidas is on par for a LOMC, perhaps a bit better than the Benz.

    Can you please dumb that down for me as to what I would hear with a poorly tracking cartridge?

    I think I have an idea with sibilance, but I am not 100% sure.

    Thanks @gakerty 

    I put on some Erik Satie, and while his music should not be listened to critically… it was very grating on the loud piano passages. Not sure about distortion, but the sibilance was dire. (May be it is distortion through?)

    However my MM cart does very well on more quiet music. Just struggles on the loudest parts. Actually, some pressings are loud and fine… it is the higher frequency piano note that usually present the issue.

    Good to hear that the Aidas sails through it.