Aidas Cartridge

Aidas                           PanzerholzAidas                           Purpleheart diamond
Aidas                           Purpleheart

Aidas                           Purpleheart ruby          

Aidas                           Red Heart Indian  

Aidas                           Red Heart Gabon  

Does anyone know anything about these.  They are supposed to be GREAT Value.  I find no reviews and no web site.

    Showing 2 responses by gakerty

    On the subject of Aidas-- I recently switched from Benz LPS to an Aidas Gala Gold.  The Aidas is lovely.  It is NOT starkly different than the LPS, but the Aidas has more treble extension and mid range detail.  Instrument timbre is rich, perhaps with a TOUCH of pleasant bloom.  The overused term "musical" applies here to the Aidas, and there's plenty of detail to go around.It sure is one pretty cartridge too!  I have it loaded at 300 ohms, which seems to me the loading sweet spot, but changing loading on my Zestos Deluxe 2 doesn't make a huge difference.  Tracking on the Aidas is on par for a LOMC, perhaps a bit better than the Benz.   Overall, the Aidas Gala Gold is my favorite cartridge I've owned.  I would not hesitate to continue with Aidas when this Gold wears down.  I'll probably get it retipped when the time comes. 

    Based on the Hifi News test record, the first tracking test is the "Tracking Ability 1 (300Hz L+R At +15dB)". Seems on my system a typical LOMC present SLIGHT distortion or a warbling tone on this. Previously a Lyra Delos sailed through it, and of course vintage MMs have no problem. On real music, I test with high peak piano, in which there’s a combo of sibilance and distortion on those quick note peaks. Yuseef Lateefs Eastern Sounds first track has a few of those quick high level piano peaks, and that’s a good test for tracking IMO.  My current Aidas has no problem in this regard.