Agoners: Need Advice! Have 3K to spend on an Amp, what do I do with no way to audition?

Looking for a solid State Amp, something that will go for 30 years or more (My Last Amp), so I don't need high maintenance, with at least 200 WPC @ 8 ohm load.  SO many to choose from...I've narrowed my choices down to several brands, due to the consistency of great reviews; Krell, Pass Labs, Audio Research, McIntosh, Mark Levinson, Classe.  Now looking serious at a couple by Krell or Pass.  I love most types of music, classical, jazz, rock, punk, electronica, metal, but not Rap & Country.  I love great detail in my music, fast and bold but rich and  warm, played soft or loud with a big soundstage, love bass slam and crisp highs, too much midrange hurts my ears. Which amp does it all???  Wife has me limited to this, you know how that is :(...Please help me out here folks...I've been in this dilemma for a few years, it's time to make a decision and buy! 

Showing 2 responses by sbank

One other company I'm surprised hasn't been mentioned yet is Bryston. They built their reputation on 20 year warranty on all their gear and guaranteeing that the parts would be available if needed. They are also particularly known for their ss power amps. Like Classe, they are a Canadian company, highly reputable and with a good track record. 

I would also cross Audio Research off the list unless you want to open it up to tube designs too. ARC is built on tube gear, and without hearing it, associating their beloved fans to there ss gear is a stretch.

You built a good list of brands, now you really ought to consider a road trip to do some listening to figure out your preferences.

Have to agree w/others that 30yrs is a lot to ask for, and especially if not buying new. Cheers,
@silverfoxtv1800  Yes, a good amp or better yet, good monoblock amps will clearly surpass any receiver. There are too many compromises with too much going on in one box(e.g. separating power supplies reduces noise). You need to do some listening to some better systems and decide for yourself. Cheers,