After all this: CRT HD Television it 'tis....

Well I've done my reserach, and it turns out that I'm going to go with the CRT HD TV. Still, to me, has the best 30 or 32" picture compared to Lcd. Also, I saw no 42" plasma picture better than a CRT HD TV. Am I crazy, or is this really the deal? Can anyone turn me onto the VERY best picture quality of 30 or 32" HDTV. Price related to picture not a factor. Just the finest quality picture. I await thee.. thanks in advance. peace, warren

Showing 1 response by wadedwyer

I came to the same conclusion and bought a 34" Sony CRT last week. The ability to pop a memory stick directly into the set was a neat perk - negated by dragging ~200lb to the second floor.