Aesthetix Question

I am currently using a BAT VK31SE line stage and BAT VKP10 phono stage. These are a wonderful pair but I have to believe that elimination of the line stage would be a good thing for any system.

I see that Aesthetix puts an optional line input on their IO Phono stage with volume controls. This is fine for systems with only one other source such as CD or a Tuner. I happen to use both but if a significant improvement in sound can be obtained, I would be fine with one line input.

Here's the question: of the owners out there with this Aesthetix setup, how does it compare with other systems with separate line and phono stages? And for those that went with the Callisto and the IO, what made you decide on this pair vs only the IO with the above mentioned options? Surely the Callisto must add some additional noise or coloration or does it bring on other benefits that outweigh the weaknesses.

And one other question: for those that went with the Aesthetix with the options, did you also try the Manley Steelhead which has the same kind of benefits to not need a separate line stage?

Thank you for your comments/experiences.

Showing 2 responses by rushton

Jafox, given the specific questions you posed, I can't directly answer any of them because I never compared an Io Signature-only setup to a combination of the Io and the Callisto. But, I did make the decision to use the Io Signature-only solution without the Callisto linestage and, for what it may be worth, I've been very satisfied with that choice.

My decision to go with the Io-only solution was a function of (a) cost, (b) desire to keep things as simple as possible, and (c) faith in Jim White's opinion that the Io Signature "straight in" would be a better alternative for a system primarily devoted to vinyl. Like you, I needed occasionally to play a CD or play the tuner, but my desire was to optimize for vinyl playback. A simple homemade A-B switchbox selects between tuner and CD.

I applied some of the savings from not purchasing the Callisto linestage to purchasing the optional second power supply for the Io. The optional second power supply does add a third chassis, but it offers the following enhancements:
.. Added space
.. Improved macro dynamics
.. Improved micro dynamics
.. Blacker backround
.. Greater ease to the sound, less strained

Hopefully Albert Porter will see this and reply because he has experimented with both the Io-only option and the Io/Callisto option and he once told me that he prefers the Io/Calliston option in his system.
Albert, in your comparisons of the Io-only versus the Io-plus-Callisto, you mention using the Koetsu and I'm assuming its the .02mv output Koetsu. Have you made the comparison with a higher output cartridge in the system? Just wondering if the added gain of the Callisto is making a big difference when using an extremely low output cartridge, and wondering if a less pronounced difference would exist if a higher output cartridge were in play. Best regards,