Aesthetix IO vs. Manley Steelhead vs. The Groove

For those who have heard at least two of these, please compare the sound quality of any of the following three phono preamps:

1. Aesthetix IO or IO Signature
2. Manley Steelhead
3. The Groove

Let me know what you think of the sonic biases
and flaws in these products as well as what each does especially well. Any t/t and cart recommendations which work especially well with any of these would be recommended.


Ray Hall

Showing 1 response by nkj


I've had my Io signature w/ volume controls for a few weeks now. The bass on this unit is not tubby or "tubey". Can't say why your fuse you have your Io connected to any power shaping device etc?... If the the fuse blew I would check the el34 tubes first for falilure as they do the most work and they may have had infant mortality. The Io should be plugged directly into a wall. I'm still learning about mine and have had zero RF problems in an area that has given me major problems in the past. So far delighted with the performance of mine. I've yet to substitute the stash of NOS tubes on hand as I'm still breaking mine in..... Good luck and keep us posted on your efforts to revive your unit.