Aesthetix Io-Reliability Problems???

I have heard recently from several sources that the Aesthetix Io phono stage has reliability problems and that it runs through tubes very quickly. What has been the experience of Aesthetix Io owners? What types of failures have occured? Are there any non-owners who know the details of the problems? Since I am interested in the Aesthetix Callisto linestage, which is much simpler and carries fewer tubes, I would like to know if the problems with the Io extend to the Callisto as well. Thanks in advance very much for your help.

Showing 1 response by pohanlon

I bought a SH Io and have not had any problems over the past five months.
However a friend of mine bought an Io new approx eight months ago and he uses his sparingly. Before Christmas it developed an intermittant noise in one channel. Swopping the tubes over, did not change anything. He shipped it back to Jim White who promptly replaced a cap and shipped it back second day. He was delighted with such speedy service.

I have a set of Mazdas for the primary gain stage, but have not installed them yet. Been breaking in some new 300B tubes in my VAC Renaissance monoblocks..

Its a stunning phono stage, I have not heard its equal.