Aesthetix Calypso and Herron VTSP 2

Both of these preamps are highly rated tube linestages with remotes. Has anyone had any experience with them that they can share? Thanks

Showing 1 response by ipy

I have not heard the Aesthetix Calypso but I have been living with the VTSP-2 for a month now. Without going too much into the details of describing its sound, if there is a word for the VTSP-2, it is "neutrality". It has bettered my 8+ years Audio Synthesis Passion (Passive Pre) in the frequencies extremes and it is certainly no slouch in the mids as well in comparison.

I used to think some "audiophile" & commercial CDs sounded a bit too clean for my liking with the Passion but not with the Herron. The listenable factor with the Herron has move up a few notches in my system and I could sit through a whole CD without skipping certain tracks that I used to think was not well recorded.

Good luck.