Aesthetix Atlas amp 12v trigger......

Has anyone else had an issue with the 12v trigger? It for some reason has quit working and if anyone has any tips it would be great. Its just a ease of use thing but once you have that simple ease of use you miss it. Thanks
Hi Programmergeek!

I have owned an Ayre 5 VX-e for a while now and am planning to switch to the Aesthetix Atlas due to a very promising dealer demo unit offer. I am curious to know what finally came about concerning the instability issue with your unit.

Thx in advance for your assistance!

My Atlas amps continualy shut down for no reason. Aesthetix has no idea why I have spent no less than 50 hours trouble shooting them and 3 electrition calls. I think it may be related to the triggers. Anyhow nice as the amps sound they have been very unstable. It is the only amp I have had trouble with in my system.