aestetix rhea - the groove - sutherland fono stage

I recently heard "the groove" in my system and I was very very impressed about sound quality. Now I am thinking to buy it.... Who can tell me if the groove is better then the rhea, or the battery powered sutherland? and... is the io signature a completely other legue?
My system is Emt 930 with emt tsd 15, pre fm acoustics, convergent jl2, eidolon diamond.
Thank you very much...
Hi costanzia,

Go for the Klyne Phono 7xxx or the IO.

with best regards Karl-Heinz
The issue with the sutherland is that batteries typically don't have the reserve or headroom for huge dynamic swings. I like the Klyne gear a lot, but my choice would be the Rhea FWIW.
The Io Signature is in another league altogether. The Rhea gives one a good slice of that, however. If you want solid state, consider the Kyne or the Pass Labs Xono. For tubes go with the Aesthetix Io Signature, given the rest of your system; you'll never regret it.