Aerial Acoustics 7B and Best Amplifier Pairing

What would be the best amplifier pairing for the Aerial Acoustics 7B? I am considering Pass Labs as well as McIntosh.

Showing 3 responses by psdermpath1

They will be used 50/50 HT and audio. They are paired with the other Aerials, SW12 sub, SR3 surrounds, and CC3. Denon DVD2900 is used as the CD player and the Denon AVR 5803 is being used as the processor. Running with Signal cables.
I ended up with a Bryston 6BSST to drive the fronts and center channel. The best way I can describe the change is the feeling one experiences after an airplane ride. Your ears are buffered during the initial ascent but eventually open up once the pressures have equilibrated. Listening to the Aerials 7B with the Denon is a similar feeling. The speakers now sound impeccably clear and precise. The change was definitely observed on 2 channel music but even more remarkable on the 3 then 5 channel theater on the Diana Krall DVD.

The Denon AVR 5803 still drives the two surrounds. They are fine but I suspect that if they were driven by another Bryston 2 channel amp it would be even better, perhaps some day. Thank you for the excellent suggestions.