Aerial 10 T and EAD Poermaster 1000 ?

I am currently using the aerial model 6 with the ead powermaster 1000 (200x5 in 8 ohms), I am thinking of going to the aerial 10 t, any opinions if the ead would be suficient

Showing 2 responses by sound_decisions

SFbaydude you want your ear to be between the tweeter and the mid-range driver.If the stands bring this mesurement too high try them just spiked directly to the floor.If you are sitting above this point you can take the felt ring off and find some 3/8's inch brass acorn nuts and place three of them were the felt was and you will get a much more focused sound stage with greater seperation.I have been an Aerial dealer since 93.As far as the original question,for home theater speakers in that size NOTHING will beat the 10T's....PERIOD!As for EAD I will be polite and just say that it is not my cup of tea.
SFBAYDUDE:The increase in seperation of the performers and the larger more focused soundstage has to do with the removable felt ring.An acorn nut is a nut that has a round top so that a bolt can not go all the way through it(like a cap).I would not replace your CC3 unless you want to go to the CC5.The amount you might gain for the dollar amount is not worth it.I perfer Krell over EAD but I do care not for the sound of Krell,too slow,no bass(I am talking about bass that is below 40 HRTZ)loses information,not tonaly correct enough for my tastes,not enough seperation of the performers on the soundstage,Gryphon has spoild me,it is the most tonaly correct solid state that I know of (Goldmond is also good tonaly but does not have the foundation but then NOTHING has the foundation of a Gryphon).If your hart is set on Krell,you can extract more life out of it with cables.Power cords are a must.If anyone out there is using the stock Beldon power cords,you'll be amazed at how much more open your amp can be with the right cords on it.