Advise before I regret

I bought a new pair of speakers paradigm premier 800 series in piano white to get a little brighter sound and replace my existing paradigm studio 100’s v3 speakers that are mint but a few years old so I went with a replacement. I just added a Yamaha aventege receiver 2080 and am anthem mc20 amp to drive them. Any adivice or experience which set of speakers is better. Before I sell the wrong pair I will
do a side by side comparison but just wanted to get some professional experience. 
Spend a good amount of time comparing them to figure out what you're most happy with.
You have an av amp and a 2 channel amp? Not enough info on your system or room. Lots of reasons things might be dull. 
Yes running a Yamaha aventege 2080 with an Anthem MC 20 2 channel amp driving the fronts. I bought the paradigm premier 800 speakers yes I played them in the studio with a Yamaha integrated amp liked the brightness over what I remember hearing at home with my previous Marantz 7005 with an Adcom GFA 555-2 with my paradigm studio 100’s v3. Before I sell
 the older paradigm studio 100’s. 
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Dear aewarren

The speakers were NOT identical to each other.  One pair was white and the other black.
Consider the philosophical conundrum of making the perfect die - ie in which all six faces are so identical it is impossible to distinguish them.