Advice Required

I have a combined HT/music system and thanks to all the advice here, I recently added a Bryston 4B-ST to drive the front L/R speakers. I am currently using a Yamaha CD player as a transport and the DACs in my B&K Ref 20 (20 bit DACs). I would like to upgrade my CD playback and am thinking of adding an external DAC and using the analog passthrough capabilities of the Ref 20. Have read some good reviews on the P3A and that is what I am thinking of adding. Am I on the right track, or would I be better off buying an all in one CD player such as the new Rega Planet 2000. Thanks and hope everyone had a Merry Christmas.

Showing 1 response by shaqspack

Call Wally - check his feedback at underwoodwally - he is one of the designers. I find him VERY HONEST, and willing to explain his product. Tell him I sent you (Ed Wilfong, shaqspack). PS - I have a REF 10 - is DTS worth it??