Advice people with lamm amp experience

I have lamm hybrid m1.1 and I really love this amp, I'm curious if later model amp is much better than what I have. Recently I had opportunity to try different manufactors new monobloks costing over 20000 dollars and some of this amps getting raveing reviews but in my system lamms been kicking some ass, what I'm looking for is new better sound amp. Thanks

Showing 1 response by dkarmeli

Disclaimer - Let me start by letting you know that I'm a Lamm dealer since 1999. I am biased towards Lamm equipment to the point that it's the only electronics that we sell.

The newer M1.2 & M2.2 models have superior qualities to the earlier ones. More transparent, little more dynamic, with a deeper more refined bass. I still find them as the best of their kind. The next real step up is to move to one of their tube amplifiers but that all depends on the rest of your system which I know nothing about.