Advice on turntables

I have an older well tempered lab turntable with ortofon  cadenza black cart and Evo 400 Prima Luma integrated Tube app with ascend acoustics tower ELX speakers. I’ve become enamored of reading and researching a little with Dr. Feickert turntables particularly blackbird or woodpecker. I’ve not heard these so this is not based on hearing them, but I will probably have to buy a new upgraded turntable without the opportunity of listening because of location and opportunity to get to high-end audio. What thoughts would you guys have regarding this selection or other recommendations you would make? thanks


Showing 1 response by billstevenson

Dr. Feikert turntables are world class.  I have experience with a Blackbird and must say that it is impressive.  If I am not mistaken Music Direct sells them and if so you can turn to them for specific advice on both models.  They also offer a 60 day return privilege.  Let us know how you progress.  BTW, I have no affiliation with either company.